Ottoman Period Bridges

• Manamatlı stone arch bridge, steel girder bridge (Lalacon-Analipsi) and Bazben bridge in Ispele were built by Panagioti Aseri.

• Hacı Panaeta bridge (Bakava): In the dream of a widowed nun from İstavri (Galoyer), Hz. He saw Jesus. Hz. Jesus told him to build a bridge. Later he had a wooden bridge built there, but around 1770 the wooden bridge burned down for unknown reasons. It was later constructed by Panagioti Aseri.

• Mehelle and Karuchi were connected by the Mehelle bridge. The arch-bearing wooden mold of this bridge remained in the Republican period and is among the memories of Orhan Karakullukçu.

These bridges were used during the holy days and entertainments of Muslims and Christians during the winter and spring months when transportation was almost impossible.

Christmas/birth (25 December),

Gregorian new year (31 December/01 January),

Kalandar/Hijri New Year (13/14 January),

Easter (the first Sunday after March 14), the day of Jesus' resurrection and blessing

Nowruz/Spring Festival (22/23 March) and

Hıdırellez/Summer-Winter transformation (May 5/6) is a day of abundance, blessings and wishes.

Listed above are some celebrations/entertainment days.

Uğurtaşı Village Book
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